Thursday, February 21, 2008

Welcome Ladies!

First, let me thank you for taking the plunge and checking out this blog.

It's not my first one, but I would like to think that it's one of the more unique ones that I've decided to develop.

The real reason I'm so interested in making this happen is that I know that most mothers feel some degree of guilt when they don't have the energy at the end of the day to prepare sumptuous meals for their hungry families.

I'm not trying to be sexist...but the nurturing nature of most women, even today, is to provide the tastiest, most nutritious enjoyable meals possible. There's no shame in that at all. Let's be honest, the meal at the dining room table is becoming a thing of the past.

Think about all the interaction I hope you were able to enjoy as a child as you sat down to dinner with your family. Remember being able to tell your father who hit the longest home run in gym class? Or telling Mom about the handsome new boy in your English class?

In far too many homes all meals are being grabbed to go...grabbed to eat in front of the television set...or the personal computer. We are quickly becoming a nation of complete individuals that no longer know how to communicate with one another...and a nation of roomates...rather than family members.

I hope that what you find here at Quick, Easy Meals for Busy Moms will be able to help you stem the bleeding I see.

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